Wow, darkness! It’s the end of the world?!
No, it’s Miruku in the basket. haha!
I wanted to take a picture of Yuzu in the basket because today is winter solstice.
But Yuzu didn’t want to get into the basket…
why did I want to take a picture of Yuzu in the basket?
→see this and read this↓
when we Japanese see the cat in a basket and the towel on the cat’s head,
the cat looks as if he/she is soaking in a bathtub.
Because putting a towel on the head is the Japanese typical way to soak in a bathtub at public bath.
In Japan, it’s a breach of manner to put the towel into the bathtub at public bath.
But we don’t want to put the towel on the floor in hygiene while we are soaking in a bathtub.
So, it’s a typical way, I think.